Regardless of which type of WPF application you wish to build, WPF is ultimately little more than a collection of types bundled within .NET assemblies. Table 27-3 describes the core assemblies used to build WPF applications, each of which must be referenced when creating a new project (as you would hope, Visual Studio 2010 and Expression Blend WPF projects automatically reference the required assemblies).
Table 27-3. Core WPF Assemblies
Assembly | Meaning in Life |
PresentationCore.dll | This assembly defines numerous types that constitute the foundation of the WPF GUI layer. For example, this assembly contains support for the WPF Ink API (for programming against stylus input for Pocket PCs and Tablet PCs), several animation primitives, and numerous graphical rendering types. |
PresentationFramework.dll | This assembly contains a majority of the WPF controls, the Application and Window classes, and support for interactive 2D geometries. As well, this library provides basic functionality to read and write XAML documents at runtime. |
System.Xaml.dll | This assembly provides namespaces which allow you to program against a XAML document at runtime. By and large, this library is only useful if you are authoring WPF support tools or need absolute control over XAML at runtime. |
WindowsBase.dll | This assembly defines types that constitute the infrastructure of the WPF API., including those representing WPF threading types, security types, various type converters, and support for dependency properties and routed events (described in Chapter 29). |
Collectively, these assemblies define a number of new namespaces and hundreds of new .NET classes, interfaces, structures, enumerations, and delegates. While you should consult the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK documentation for complete details, Table 27-4 describes the role of some (but certainly not all) of the namespaces you should be aware of.
Table 27-4. Core WPF Namespaces
Namespace | Meaning in Life |
System.Windows | This is the root namespace of WPF. Here you will find core classes (such as Application and Window) that are required by any WPF desktop project. |
System.Windows.Controls | Contains all of the expected WPF widgets, including types to build menu systems, tool tips, and numerous layout managers. |
System.Windows.Data | Types to work with the WPF data binding engine, as well as support for data binding templates. |
System.Windows.Documents | Contains types to work with the documents API, which allows you to integrate PDF style functionality into your WPF applications, via the XML Paper Specification (XPS) protocol. |
System.Windows.Ink | Support for the Ink API, which allows you to capture input from a stylus or mouse, respond to input gestures, and so forth. Very useful for Tablet PC program; however, any WPF can make use of this API. |
System.Windows.Markup | This namespace defines a number of types that allow XAML markup (and the equivalent binary format, BAML) to be parsed and processed programmatically. |
System.Windows.Media | This is the root namespace to several media-centric namespaces. Within these namespaces you will find types to work with animations, 3D rendering, text rendering, and other multimedia primitives. |
System.Windows.Navigation | This namespace provides types to account for the navigation logic employed by XAML browser applications (XBAPs) as well as standard desktop applications that require a navigational page model. |
System.Windows.Shapes | Defines classes which allow you to render interactive 2D graphics that automatically respond to mouse input. |
To begin your journey into the WPF programming model, you’ll examine two members of the System.Windows namespace that are commonplace to any traditional desktop development effort: Application and Window.
Note If you are new to the development of desktop applications using the .NET platform, be aware that the System.Windows.Forms.* and System.Drawing.* assemblies are not related to WPF! These libraries represent the original .NET GUI toolkit, Windows Forms (see Appendix A).
The System.Windows.Application class represents a global instance of a running WPF application. This class supplies a Run() method (to start the application), a series of events that you are able to handle in order to interact with the application’s lifetime (such as Startup and Exit), and a number of events that are specific to XAML browser applications (such as events that fire as a user navigates between pages). Table 27-5 details some of the key properties to be aware of.
Table 27-5. Key Properties of the Application Type
Property | Meaning in Life |
Current | This static property allows you to gain access to the running Application object from anywhere in your code. This can be very helpful when a window or dialog box needs to gain access to the Application object that created it, typically to access application wide variables and functionality. |
MainWindow | This property allows you to programmatically get or set the main window of the application. |
Properties | This property allows you to establish and obtain data that is accessible throughout all aspects of a WPF application (windows, dialog boxes, etc.). |
StartupUri | This property gets or sets a URI that specifies a window or page to open automatically when the application starts. |
Windows | This property returns a WindowCollection type, which provides access to each window created from the thread that created the Application object. This can be very helpful when you wish to iterate over each open window of an application and alter its state (such as minimizing all windows). |
Any WPF application will need to define a class that extends Application. Within this class, you will define your program's entry point (the Main() method), which creates an instance of this subclass and typically handles the Startup and Exit events. You will build a full example project in just a moment, but here is a quick example:
// Define the global application object // for this WPF program. class MyApp : Application { [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { // Create the application object. MyApp app = new MyApp(); // Register the Startup / Exit events. app.Startup += (s, e) => { /* Start up the app */ }; app.Exit += (s, e) => { /* Exit the app */ }; } }
Within the Startup handler, you will most often process any incoming command line arguments and launch the main window of the program. The Exit handler, as you would expect, is where you can author any necessary shut down logic for the program (e.g., save user preferences, write to the Windows registry).
Another interesting property exposed by Application is Windows, which provides access to a collection representing each window loaded into memory for the current WPF application. Recall that as you create new Window objects, they are automatically added into the Application.Windows collection. Here is an example method that will minimize each window of the application (perhaps in response to a given keyboard gesture or menu option triggered by the end user):
static void MinimizeAllWindows() { foreach (Window wnd in Application.Current.Windows) { wnd.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; } }
You’ll build a complete Application-derived type in an upcoming example. Until then, let’s check out the core functionality of the Window type and learn about a number of important WPF base classes in the process.
The System.Windows.Window class represents a single window owned by the Application-derived class, including any dialog boxes displayed by the main window. Not surprisingly, Window has a series of parent classes, each of which brings more functionality to the table. Consider Figure 27-5, which shows the inheritance chain (and implemented interfaces) for System.Windows.Window as seen through the Visual Studio 2010 object browser.
Figure 27-5 The hierarchy of the Window class
You’ll come to understand the functionality provided by many of these base classes as you progress through this chapter and the chapters to come. However, to whet your appetite, the following sections present a breakdown of the functionality provided by each base class (consult the .NET Framework 4.0 SDK documentation for full details).
The direct parent of Window is ContentControl, which is quite possibly the most enticing of all WPF classes. This base class provides derived types with the ability to host a single piece of content, which, simply put, refers to the data placed within the interior of the control’s surface area via the Content property. The WPF content model makes it very simple to customize the basic look and feel of a content control.
For example, when you think of a typical "button" control, you tend to assume that the content is a basic string literal (OK, Cancel, Abort, etc). If you are using XAML to describe a WPF control, and the value you wish to assign to the Content property can be captured as a simple string, you may set the Content property within the element’s opening definition as so (don't fret over the exact markup at this point):
<!-- Setting the Content value in the opening element --> <Button Height="80" Width="100" Content="OK"/>
Note The Content property can also be set in C# code, which allows you to change the interior of a control at runtime.
However, content can be anything. For example, let's say you wish to have a "button" that has something more interesting than a simple string, perhaps a custom graphic and a blurb of text. In other UI frameworks such as Windows Forms, you would be required to build a custom control, which could entail quite a bit of code and a whole new class to maintain. With the WPF content model, there is no need to do so.
When you wish to assign to the Content property to a value which cannot be captured as a simple array of characters, you are unable to assign the Content property using an attribute in the control’s opening definition. Rather, you must define the content data implicitly, within the element's scope. For example, this <Button> contains a <StackPanel> as content, which itself contains some unique data (an <Ellipse> and <Label>, to be exact):
<!-- Implicitly setting the Content property with complex data --> <Button Height="80" Width="100"> <StackPanel> <Ellipse Fill="Red" Width="25" Height="25"/> <Label Content ="OK!"/> </StackPanel> </Button>
You can also make use of XAML's property-element syntax to set complex content. Consider the following functionally equivalent <Button> definition, which sets the Content property explicitly using property-element syntax (again, you’ll find more information on XAML later in this chapter, so don’t sweat the details just yet):
<!-- Setting the Content property using property element syntax --> <Button Height="80" Width="100"> <Button.Content> <StackPanel> <Ellipse Fill="Red" Width="25" Height="25"/> <Label Content ="OK!"/> </StackPanel> <Button.Content> </Button>
Do be aware that not every WPF control derives from ContentControl, and therefore not all controls supports this unique content model. As well, some WPF controls add a few refinements to the basic content model you have just examined. Chapter 28 will examine the role of WPF content in much more detail.
Unlike ContentControl, all WPF controls share the Control base class as a common parent. This base class provides numerous core members that account for basic UI functionality. For example, Control defines properties to establish the control’s size, opacity, tab order logic, the display cursor, background color, and so forth. Furthermore, this parent class provides support for templating services. As explained in Chapter 31, WPF controls can completely change the way they render their appearance using templates and styles. Table 27-6 documents some key members of the Control type, grouped by related functionality.
Table 27-6. Key Members of the Control Type
Members | Meaning in Life |
Background, Foreground, BorderBrush, BorderThickness, Padding, HorizontalContentAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment | These properties allow you to set basic settings regarding how the control will be rendered and positioned. |
FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontWeight | These properties control various font-centric settings. |
IsTabStop, TabIndex | These properties are used to establish tab order among controls on a window. |
MouseDoubleClick, PreviewMouseDoubleClick | These events handle the act of double-clicking a widget. |
Template | This property allows you to get and set the control’s template, which can be used to change the rendering output of the widget. |
This base class provides a number of members that are used throughout the WPF framework, such as support for storyboarding (used within animations) and support for data binding, as well as the ability to name a member (via the Name property), obtain any resources defined by the derived type, and establish the overall dimensions of the derived type. Table 27-7 hits the highlights.
Table 27-7. Key Members of the FrameworkElement Type
Members | Meaning in Life |
ActualHeight, ActualWidth, MaxHeight, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinWidth, Height, Width | These properties control the size of the derived type. |
ContextMenu | Gets or sets the pop-up menu associated with the derived type. |
Cursor | Gets or sets the mouse cursor associated with the derived type. |
HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment | Gets or sets how the type is positioned within a container (such as a panel or list box). |
Name | Allows to you assign a name to the type, in order to access its functionality in a code file. |
Resources | Provides access to any resources defined by the type (see Chapter 30 for an examination of the WPF resource system). |
ToolTip | Gets or sets the tool tip associated with the derived type. |
Of all the types within a Window’s inheritance chain, the UIElement base class provides the greatest amount of functionality. The key task of UIElement is to provide the derived type with numerous events to allow the derived type to receive focus and process input requests. For example, this class provides numerous events to account for drag-and-drop operations, mouse movement, keyboard input, and stylus input (for Pocket PCs and Tablet PCs).
Chapter 29 digs into the WPF event model in detail; however, many of the core events will look quite familiar (MouseMove, KeyUp, MouseDown, MouseEnter, MouseLeave, etc.). In addition to defining dozens of events, this parent class provides a number of properties to account for control focus, enabled state, visibility, and hit testing logic, as shown in Table 27-8.
Table 27-8. Key Members of the UIElement Type
Members | Meaning in Life |
Focusable, IsFocused | These properties allow you to set focus on a given derived type. |
IsEnabled | This property allows you to control whether a given derived type is enabled or disabled. |
IsMouseDirectlyOver, IsMouseOver | These properties provide a simple way to perform hit-testing logic. |
IsVisible, Visibility | These properties allow you to work with the visibility setting of a derived type. |
RenderTransform | This property allows you to establish a transformation that will be used to render the derived type. |
The Visual class type provides core rendering support in WPF, which includes hit testing of rendered data, coordinate transformation, and bounding box calculations. In fact, the Visual class interacts with the underlying DirectX subsystem to actually draw data on the screen. As examined in Chapter 29, WPF provides three possible manners in which you can render graphical data, each of which differs in terms of functionality and performance. Use of the Visual type (and its children, such as DrawingVisual) provides the most lightweight way to render graphical data, but it also entails the greatest amount of manual code to account for all the required services. Again, more details to come in Chapter 29.
WPF supports a particular flavor of .NET properties termed dependency properties. Simply put, this approach allows a type to compute the value of a property based on the value of other properties. In order for a type to participate in this new property scheme, it will need to derive from the DependencyObject base class. In addition, DependencyObject allows derived types to support attached properties, which are a form of dependency property very useful when programming against the WPF data-binding model as well as when laying out UI elements within various WPF panel types.
The DependencyObject base class provides two key methods to all derived types: GetValue() and SetValue(). Using these members, you are able to establish the property itself. Other bits of infrastructure allow you to “register” who can use the dependency/attached property in question. While dependency properties are a key aspect of WPF development, much of the time their details are hidden from view. Chapter 29 dives further into the details of the “new” property type.
The final base class of the Window type (beyond System.Object, which I assume needs no further explanation at this point in the book) is DispatcherObject. This type provides one property of interest, Dispatcher, which returns the associated System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher object. The Dispatcher class is the entry point to the event queue of the WPF application, and it provides the basic constructs for dealing with concurrency and threading. By and large, this is a lower-level class that can be ignored by the majority of your WPF applications.